How to have the best family photo session ever.

4 Unexpected tips to have the best family photo session from a professional family photographer

Family - In Home Newborn - Military Homecoming Photographer - Newport RI

Family photo sessions can bring up a lot of stressful emotions and thoughts: will my children behave? Will they throw a fit during the middle of our photos? Will all the images be of them, or me, crying?!

With a few unexpected tips, I can guarantee that you’ll have your best family photo session ever.

Mother and two sons dancing in the kitchen - Newport RI family photographer
  1. Movement

    During our session I’ll be prompting you, probably putting your family in a loose arrangement or grouping. The key is that you don’t have to stay perfectly still right there!

    • Adding some small natural movement, like stroking you son’s hair, kissing your wife’s forehead, rubbing your husband’s back, holding your daughter’s hand and squeezing as you look into her eyes. All these little movements, innately natural to your family, will help create natural connection between your loved ones.

    • Big movement brings big fun. Big fun creates big, real smiles. Picking up your daughter and holding her high, swinging your son around in circles, fun dance moves in the kitchen, and big hugs with your not so little kids. Adding these big movements in between sentimental moments makes a photo session into more of a fun family memory.

2. Let your kids be Themselves.

Family photos are meant to showcase your wildly lovely family. Check in with the other adults and agree to allow the kids to be themselves. Let the shyer ones take a few to warm up, let the outgoing ones grin at the camera and get excited to meet the photographer. Allow me to give a few prompts to get everyone warmed up, and let the control of you children’s behavior go for a few. You have incredible tiny, and big humans in your life. They’re all a little different, and allowing them to be just who they are will take the pressure off of you, the parents, and let you bask in the amazingness that is your family.

Consider letting your family photo session be a ‘yes’ hour. They want to pick dandelions? ‘Yes!’ Your pre-teen wants to try a pose ‘lets do it!’, your 3 year old wants to be tossed in the air? ‘yes!’ Your quieter 6 year old wants to snuggle and not look at the camera ‘of course, let’s snuggle’, your sweet girl wants to do one holding hands in a straight line ‘for sure, let’s do it.’

Our kids 100% feed off our emotions and attitudes. They’re amazingly perceptive. If your mom and dad are stressed and worried about behavior, outfits, the perfect poses, and repeatedly telling them to “smile, smile at the camera, smile!!!” how would you, as a kid, feel about taking family photos? If your mom and dad said “let’s snuggle here, or let’s look for some wildflowers while we get warmed up?” that would make the whole experience feel different. So much more relaxed and fun.

Mom and Dad, you’ve got this! Letting your kids be themselves, and enjoy the time taking photos will result in photos you love even more, promise.

3. Focus more on your family than the camera.

Be prepared to play with your family! Genuine family interaction isn’t something I can pose. I can prompt and make suggestions, but ultimately it comes down to you and your partner being on the same page. Connect before your session, make a plan to let the interactions between each other and your kids be fun over stressed. As your photographer I’ll work to get the images that represent your family in this season, some may be looking, but most will be focused on you interacting and loving on your family. When you are interacting and playing your photos don’t feel stiff and boring, they’re full of life and fun memories.

Mother and son playing and smiling during a family photo session

4. Hire the right photographer.

Last but not least, hire the right photographer! Find YOUR photographer. Find the photographer that produces images that make you say “I want photos of my family that look like that!” Look through their portfolio and socials, see if you connect with their work. If you connect with my work, and you want to make some family memories with my help, I would love to chat! I’m obsessed with spending time with families who love to have fun, love to love on their kids, and aren’t afraid to be a little silly.

Clicking the links above will take you to my portfolio and contact page. I adore helping families create memories in photos.

I would love to hear from you! Comment below - share something that surprised you about these tips, or what your favorite family photo looks like! (or anything else you’d like to share)


Favorite Poses for Families
