How to prepare for your family photo session

5 easy steps to a stress free family session.

Does the thought of taking your kids to a new location, meeting the photographer, and hoping everyone will behave give you a little parental anxiety?

I’m here, as a family and newborn photographer to tell you {deep breath} family photos do NOT have to cause fear and trembling! Really!! And what if I told you that you could do 5 super simple things to be ready to conquer your family photo session? Woud you believe me? Well, lets break it down:


Step 1: Find your Family Photographer

You may laugh, since you're literally on a family photographer's website. But this step is key, and probably not for the reason you think. Obviously you need a photographer to get family photos!

I want you to consider is this: do you feel a connection with a certain photographer?

Why are you drawn to them? Price, personality, the way their photos look, they were the first to pop up on google? Really none of these answers are wrong, but I'd like to suggest something to you: find a photographer who you feel comfortable/connected with. There's a photographer for literally every budget. Check out their work, read their bio, and look at their portfolio. Are you saying:

" I want my family photos to look like these!!"

"This person feels like a friend even though we've never met."

"This photographer is in my budget and I LOVE their photos!"

Well my friend, you've found YOUR photographer.

P.S. If that photographer is me - Hi!! I'm excited you're here. Get in touch with me!

family photographer rhode island

Step 2: Plan your family outfits

Families tend to be in one of two camps when it comes to planning family photo outfits. Either you've been thinking about this all year, or you have absolutely no clue what you want your family to wear. Let me give you a couple of quick tips (I also wrote a whole blog on this very topic! You can find that post here.)

  • Plan Mom's outfit first - find something you look and feel great in!

  • Pull color coordinating outfits for the rest of the family.

  • Key point: Coordinate but don't match exactly (It isn't 1990 - no need for jeans and all white shirts!)

family photography newport rhode island

Step 3: Prepare your kids for family photos

How do you prepare your kids for your family photos? Rested, fed, and comfy! If your session is going to be later in the evening/past normal bedtime try to push your kid's afternoon nap to start just a little later. Pro tip: try not to let your kiddos sleep in the car! I don't know about you, but my kids are CRANKY if I wake them from a car nap.

Snacks are key: What I like to do is give my kids a good filling snack or meal before family photos. Kids are messy eaters in general so we get dressed in the back of the car at the shoot if we need to eat on the go.

Bringing an easy, non-messy snack to your session is also a great way to keep kids cooperating. Think: no chocolate, or bright blue candies that will make lips and teeth look weird. (Contrary to popular belief your photographer probably can't 'edit it out' easily.)

Comfortable kids are happy kids! No one likes itchy, tight, cold or hot clothing. Dress for the weather but keep it simple!

family photographer for rhode island

Step 4: Leave the stress at home

Family photos are a novel experience for kids! They don't do this often, there may be a moment where they aren't doing exactly what you want them to do. Family photo time isn't the time to punish, threaten, or get stressy. Take a deep breath, and focus on having fun with your kids! Think of what usually makes them laugh, tell your older kids what you love about them. These are the things that will give you real, in the moment smiles. If your kids aren't feeling it, or if you're the photographer looking for a tip: try getting everyone moving! Don't be afraid to pivot. (PIVOT!)

photo session for family rhode island

Step 5: Have FUN with your family session!

Saving the best for last. Having fun matters more than any other step! I can promise you that you'll feel better about your photos when you have happy memories attached to them! Your kids will love having an hour or so where you're just focused on having fun with them. Leave the expectation of perfection in the car. If you're working with me, we might get a little wet, muddy, or out of breath from laughing and playing.

You won't regret having fun at your session!

If you’re a family who loves to snuggle, play in the water, laugh, and genuinely enjoy being together - you’re my kind of people! Get in touch!


What to wear to your family session