What to wear to your family session

Newport Rhode Island Family Lifestyle Photographer

Newport Rhode Island Family Photographer

3 tips for picking your family session wardrobe.

A lot goes into getting your family ready for family photos. If you're a seasoned family session pro, or this is your first year taking family photos I have 3 simple tips to help you pick your session wardrobe.

Newport RI newborn photographer - Father and mother admiring newborn daughter in mother's arms.

#1.Wear what makes you feel comfortable.

These are your family photos; your style and personality should shine! If you're a family who loves trendy, boutique outfits - here's your chance to express that. If you're a family who prefers classically casual clothing, jeans, your favorite sweater, a dress you feel stunning in, pull those pieces from your closet and start there!

When taking family photos, you don’t have to look like every instagram model. You should look and feel like yourself. Embrace who you are as a family, not what may be trendy right now.

Newport Rhode Island outdoor family photographer

#2. Choose mama’s outfit first.

Mamas - I'm speaking directly to you, as a mom. Choose your outfit first. You put everyone else first 99.99% of the time. Now is the time to pick an outfit where you feel beautiful, and like YOU. When you feel beautiful you shine on camera.

Once you find your perfect outfit - pull a couple of colors that coordinate. Create a color palette and then go searching your family's closet. You don't have to go out and buy all new clothing for family photos. You probably have most of what you need in your kid's closets. (If you have the budget for it, and want to - go shopping!)

If you’re struggling to decide what colors to put together, Pinterest is a great resource for finding coordinating colors! Search for ‘family photo outfits including insert your preferred color here)’.

#3. Coordinate Family outfits, do not match exactly.

Remember the white shirts and jeans photos of the late 90's? Yeah, me too. That's not really what we're going for anymore. Look for colors in the same families, without everyone wearing the exact same outfit. Pinterest and google have some great color palettes that can help too. Search the main color of mom's outfit and 'color palette' and you'll get a lot of coordinating ideas.

When it comes to patterns, one or two patterns that aren't super busy are ok. Try not to have everyone in a different pattern. You can also add visual interest by using different textures ( think linen, leather, fur textures). Simple tends to be timeless.

Quick things to avoid: Neons (they make skin look weird!) large logos/brands, characters/big prints.

Newport Rhode Island Family in home photographer

Bonus tip:


Where is your session taking place? Beach? On the flight line or pier? In your home?

Does your adorable wrap dress fly open in the wind? Probably not the best choice for a session at the beach, or for homecoming on the pier.

Does your kiddo hate that adorable sweater and always complain that it's itchy? Might want to go with another option - uncomfortable kids are cranky kids!

What is the weather forecast like the day of your session? (Plan for it to feel a few degrees colder at the waterfront. ) Layering your kids for cool weather, and making sure they are cool enough in hot weather will help keep them happy and engaged. Adding a neutral blanket for cold days can also be a cozy addition. (Most cool days I end up bringing one along! )

Family session outfit recap:

  1. Stay true to your own individual style

  2. Pick mom’s outfit first

  3. Coordinate the rest of the family to mom

  4. Avoid dressing everyone in a pattern/matching exactly. Avoid big logos/brands, and neons.

  5. Consider your environment - dress for the season/weather

Taking these quick things into consideration will make a huge difference during your session!

Outdoor family photographer Newport RI


The main point to remember is this: your photos are more about the connection between you and your family than it is about your outfits. Be comfortable. Be you. I promise looking back you won't be as concerned about what your family is wearing. Your photos will reflect the love you have for your family. That is what we're documenting, not the latest trends, or fads, but the timelessness of your love. Your family is worthy of being remembered just like you are right now.

I can't wait to put all that love and fun into images for you to keep forever.

Ready to book a session for your wildly lovely family near Newport RI?


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