What is lifestyle newborn photography?

Newborn, Family, Military Homecoming photographer in Newport, RI

You may have heard the term ‘lifestyle photography’ thrown about recently, but you, like many others, have no clue what that actually means. Let me break it down for you, and show you 4 reasons a lifestyle newborn session may be right for you.

What does “lifestyle” photography mean?

Lifestyle photography is a more recent term for a style of photography. This genre typically feels more relaxed and less formal. Not quite documentary (no guidance for posing, just capturing what is happening exactly) and not quite formal (very posed, very controlled light and setting). Lifestyle is a bridge between the two. In my lifestyle sessions I direct my families, and prompt them, and then capture what happens next. I use natural light and elements in the environment to create my images.

Ok, now to ‘lifestyle newborn’ photography.

Lifestyle newborn photography is a more relaxed style of photographing newborns. Personally I do not use any props, babies are typically posed in natural, normal baby positions. I do not create composite images of newborns with them propped up on their little hands, or swaddled in baskets (which I would consider more ‘formal’ newborn photography.

In home newborn session Newport RI

For me, lifestyle newborn photography means that baby never has to leave their parents arms. The photos I create of newborns are very natural, highlighting the inherent perfection in newborns. No need for ultra posed babies in my business.

How do I know if a lifestyle newborn session is right for me?

Good question! There’s so many choices when it comes to family and newborn photography, and I’m going to give you 4 reasons a lifestyle newborn session may be right for you.

#1. Lifestyle newborn sessions take place in your home.

You’ve created a space that feels like you, your family is comfortable there, you have everything you need for baby. No feeling rushed out the door, no worrying that you don’t have enough diapers, bottles or entertainment for your other children.

If the thought of having a photographer come to your home makes you happy and less stressed then lifestyle newborn photography may be the right choice for your family!

Relaxed, simple, comfortable.

Newport RI newborn baby photographer

#2. Lifestyle newborn sessions include the whole family.

Unlike some other styles of newborn sessions, lifestyle newborn sessions make space for the whole family to participate. Your older children are included in the photos, and are welcome wherever you are.

#3. Lifestyle photography reflects your parenting style.

Lifestyle newborn photography does not require your baby to ever leave your arms. You're welcome to snuggle, nurse, and baby wear throughout the entire session. You will never be asked to leave your baby or even set your baby down if you don't want to. All the images can be created while you hold your newborn. This type of newborn photography might be perfect for you if you identify with an attachment or gentle style of parenting.

I wore my babies all the time when they were tiny, this point really resonates with me as a mother. My boys love to be held and snuggle, and I still wear my 3 year old when he asks. My parenting style is definitely mirrored in how I photograph newborns.

#4. Relaxed sessions create memories + photos.

Lifestyle newborn photography might be perfect for you if you're looking to create memories as well as beautiful images. Lifestyle sessions give space to laugh together with your older children, snuggle your baby, and document your feeding or nursing journey.

Is an in home, lifestyle newborn session right for you?

My favorite thing about in home lifestyle newborn photos is the flexibility. We don't have to push kids to cooperate, or sit still in a studio. They can snuggle and we can get beautiful, emotion filled photographs. Children are free to be children during lifestyle photos. In the same pattern, newborns are free to be newborns. There's no need to use extra feedings to keep your newborn asleep, and babies content in their parent's arms can stay right there; where they are most comfortable. You won't find infants in unnatural positions and poses in this style of photography.

So, is a lifestyle newborn session right for you? Which point resonated with you the most? I would love to hear which part of an in home lifestyle newborn session meets your needs as a parent of a newborn.


When should I book my newborn session?


What to wear to your family session